Aqua WSC’s CCN (Certificate of Convenience & Necessity) was granted in April 1969. Aqua WSC then began operations in January 1970 when the U.S. Farm and Home Administration extended loans and grants to spur start-up water systems all over the U.S. to provide safe drinking water at reasonable prices to rural areas. The idea of a water supply corporation to serve Bastrop and surrounding counties originated with several local residents, but the main leader was Jack Griesenbeck, a Bastrop resident whose career included election as Bastrop City Mayor and Bastrop County Judge. Griesenbeck, with help and advice from Congressman J.J. “Jake” Pickle and several others, was the driving force behind the creation and organization of Aqua WSC.
Prior to that time, rural residents in the area often hauled water or used cisterns. There were some scattered community wells, but the quality varied from location to location. Since its earliest days to today, the mission of Aqua WSC is to enhance the quality of life for our members and their families by providing safe, reliable, and sustainable water and wastewater services that meet or exceed state and federal regulatory standards. Aqua WSC is committed to responsible management and preservation of natural resources for today and tomorrow.
For more information about Aqua WSC, please visit our Overview page.