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Water Service Update 2-23-21 12:00 PM

Update: As of 10:47 a.m., all Aqua’s tanks are now full and the system is back to normal operations. Our entire service area remains under a boil water notice, but we are currently working to get this lifted. We will begin this process later today by releasing areas individually. The document below provides important tips…

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Water Service Update 2-22-21 4:24 PM

Update: Because of the events of this past week, Aqua WSC would like to provide some help to its customers.  For your next billing cycle, Aqua is reducing the Monthly Customer Charge by 25%, eliminating late charges, and eliminating disconnects. Thank you.   Please note that Aqua WSC is still under a boil water notice.

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Water Service Update 2-22-21 9:12 AM

A reminder that all of Aqua’s service area is still under a boil water notice. Aqua WSC has not lifted the boil water notice at this time. We are working to get the samples needed for testing so that this can be lifted as soon as possible. We will provide updates as it is lifted…

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Water Service Update 2-21-21 5:25 PM

Update: To follow up the post from noon today, the elevated tank serving the north McMahan area is filling rapidly and developing good pressure.  More homes should be getting water service in this area as pressure continues to rise into the evening. The same is true for the elevated tank serving Del Valle.  As of…

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Water Service Update 2-21-21 12:00 PM

Update: Please remember that all of Aqua’s system is currently under a boil water notice. As the water system moves back to normal operations, we will begin to collect samples toward lifting the boil water notice.  Before sampling you may see field crews flushing water at fire hydrants and flush valves.  This is a normal…

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