Notice: Stage 2 Rescinded – Stage 1 in effect 9/3/2024
Aqua WSC is rescinding Stage 2 restrictions because no triggering conditions listed in our Drought Contingency Plan have occurred for seven (7) consecutive days.
During Stage 1, Aqua WSC requests that members voluntarily limit the irrigation of landscaped areas to the watering schedule and that customers limit the volume of water for irrigation of landscaped areas to no more than one (1) inch on the appropriate watering day.
Outdoor watering hours are between 12:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on the appropriate watering day. For customers having rural delivery numbers, use the last numerical digit of the delivery number, whether route or box, to determine outdoor watering days.
- Monday and Thursday: Even last number of address
- Tuesday and Friday: Odd last number of address
For more details, including information on enforcement, please visit Aqua WSC’s Drought Contingency Plan.
Thank you for your conservation efforts and for being a valued member of Aqua WSC.