Aqua WSC Annual Membership Meeting

Join us for Aqua WSC’s Annual Membership meeting on Friday, March 22, 2024, at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, located at 4045 FM 535, in Rockne, Texas. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. Annual reports will be given by the President and Treasurer. The President’s report will summarize 2023 activities and provide an outlook for 2024 key projects and capital investments. All members who attend the annual meeting will be eligible for door prizes. The door prize drawing will be held at the end of the meeting.
Click below to view the agenda, letter to the members, and the signed 24.01.01 Resolution declaring unopposed candidates for director positions:
2024 AWSC Annual Meeting Agenda
24.01.01 Resolution – Declaring Unopposed Candidates For Director Positions Elected